Chronic Headache Websites on Twitter: Follow the best Twitter pages, get updated news, opinion, and research on migraine headaches from top online forums, web communities, and chronic pain experts.
What’s the best way to find informative, trustworthy information on migraine headaches?
The internet is the best place to find the most recent information about health issues, such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic migraines, and more. However, to ensure that you get the most accurate data, it helps to get your updates from multiple sources. The net is crawling with migraine advocacy groups, online forums for migraine support, and numerous web communities. (See our list of Top 20 Websites for Migraine Headache Patients.)
That’s a lot of internet websites to sift through.
Thankfully, you don’t have to. Included in this list are the most revered, well liked, and helpful Twitter pages for migraineurs:
The top 40 list
40-@MigraineNurse Chronic migraineur/nurse answers your most pressing questions about migraine treatments, from an RN’s perspective.
39-@headacherecover Online community of migraineurs share their experiences.
38-@MigraineWizard Mr Ahmed Sadiq, ophthalmic surgeon and Botox expert dishes out advice on healing migraines through Botox injections.
37-@themigrainegirl Feature writer for, and fellow migraine sufferer, shares revealing, often uplifting, anecdotes on living with migraines.
36-@forMigraines Migraine-specific Tweets; everything you wanted to know about migraine headache meds, management, and coping mechanisms.
35-@TDHblog Twitter landing page for The Daily Headache blog.
34-@MigraineAction UK charity organization for migraine sufferers.
33-@Migravent Get all of our most recent, updated blog postings about migraine symptoms, research, and alternative headache treatments.
32-@TRobert Teri Robert, noted author and migraine advocate, also contributes to various migraine health sites all over the web.
31-@MigraineRF Migraine Research Foundation is a non-profit organization that raises funding for migraine illness research.
30-@drummerheather Heather Hefner, blogger (War on Headaches), talks about her day-to-day life, as a migraineur, student, and drummer.
29-@headachehelper Chicago, Illinois outpatient center that specializes in diagnosis and treatment of migraine and other headache conditions.
28-@MigraineTrust UK non-profit charitable group devoted to raising migraine awareness.
27-@NHF National Headache Foundation Twitter page, for their site-
26-@migrainecooking Heidi Gunderson, author of Migraine-Free Cooking!, shares her favorite recipes and tips, all geared towards helping you avoid common migraine headache food triggers. Which Foods Trigger the Most Migraines? See our Checklist
25-@BetsyBlondin Betsy Baxter Blondin, publisher of Migraine Expressions, keeps you updated on the politics of migraine.
24-@migraine_tweets Interesting, off-beat articles related to migraines and chronic pain.
23-@KimmyDarling Kimmy Darling is a fun-lovin’ gal from Virginia who doesn’t let migraines slow her down.
22-@freemybrain Megan Oltman is a migraine management coach who also treats people suffering from fibromyalgia and IBS.
21-@DanaBaker Dana Baker has over 1,000 followers; she shares her views on life as a patient of headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and as a thyroid cancer survivor
20-@DisabledUnited Online community of over 50,000 disabled individuals. Social Security Disability for Migraine- 5 Tips for Filing
19-@somebodyhealme Diana Lee, talented writer for and her blog, Somebody Heal Me, discusses chronic illness from a lawyer’s perspective.
18-@painspeaks Liz Hall manages the Pain Sufferers Speak blog, a global community of chronic pain patients.
17-@Migrainedotcom is one of the leading websites for migraine sufferers, featuring online support, migraine forums, expert advice on migraine medications, and thought-provoking articles on migraine stigma.
16-@disabilityscoop Before you file for disability insurance, check out what Disability Scoop has to say on the latest developments in disability law.
15-@disabledworld Close to 7,000 Twitterers get updated news, videos, and community input on disability insurance reform.
14-@CindyhM1 Cindy McCain, wife of Senator John McCain, is one of the most outspoken, well-connected advocates for migraine awareness in the US. Cindy McCain Gives Voice to Migraine Syndrome
13-@EmpowHER : EmpowHER is one of the leading news sources for women’s health news.
12-@medlineplus is the Twitter page for the government website that provides updated info on medical research.
11-@Disabilitygov. Official U.S. Government website for information on disability-related programs, services, laws & benefits
10- 39,077 Followers- @PreventionMag The Prevention Magazine Twitter site offers information on anti-aging, nutrition, fitness, and fighting chronic illness.
09-120,468 followers- @WSJHealthBlog The Wall Street Journal health blog offers tips and advice from the world’s leading health experts.
08-131,183 followers- @JohnsHopkinsSPH Medical science news from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
07-147,255 followers- @healthfinder Government website for reliable prevention and health information.
06- 160,179 followers- @NPRHealth Health coverage from the NPR Science Desk.
05- 176,327 followers- @msnbc_health The latest health-related news from MSNBC.
04- 223,120 followers- @MayoClinic Comprehensive, easy-t0-follow medical information on diseases, including symptoms, treatment options, risks, and more.
03- 269,620 followers- @womenshealth is part of the U.S. HHS Office on Women’s Health.
02- 3,020 followers- @NeurologyToday Official newspaper of the American Academy of Neurology.
01- 332,112 followers- @DailyHealthTips Get practical, useful health tips everyday, from real doctors.